Top 3 ways to make money online

The best thing about the internet is the fact that you can start your own business from the comfort of home. You only need an internet connection to make money online. You can escape the 9-5 grind by going online and have more time to travel, do hobbies and spend time with your family.

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There are many ways to make money online. All you need to do is find the right niche market for you. Once you have identified the profitable niche market, all that is required is to hire staff, rent space or buy expensive furniture.

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of many online money-making methods that you may already be familiar with. Here’s how it works.

You will need to have your own website, blog and social media platforms. You sell products from other companies, not your own. As long as your marketing message is clear, you can use multiple combinations.

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Next, choose a niche market that is hot in affiliate marketing. This will give you many customers. You can use social media to identify trends and find out what’s popular on sites such as Amazon and CJ Affiliate. Send important messages and content to your prospects.

Customers who click on a link on your platform to make a purchase are taken to the affiliate partner’s website to complete the transaction. You get a commission on every sale. You don’t need to handle shipping or customer support.

2. Selling on Amazon, eBay Etsy, Etsy and Cragslist

Third-party websites are a great way to start selling online. E-commerce giants such as Amazon, eBay Etsy and Craigslist have a large prospect base and are powerful sales and marketing tools. These sites are used by millions of people every day, and they continue to grow.

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Amazon: Amazon can fulfill your orders. Amazon claims that their website has more than 2 million sellers, which represents 40% of all sales. Amazon, as well as other third-party websites, has another advantage: people trust them already and are more likely than to purchase from them.

eBay: The process is similar with eBay. Start by becoming an eBay seller. Once your PayPal account has been verified, you can then sign up for your own store. These three steps enable you to leverage eBay’s reach, reputation, sales, marketing, and sales infrastructure to sell your products. Although you can only list one price on eBay, the main benefit is the auction system. This allows potential buyers to enter bidding wars which increases the selling price of the items you are listing.

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Etsy: Etsy is the place to start a shop if you are a crafty person. It is a web portal that focuses on unique, handcrafted items. There are 1.5 million sellers worldwide. Etsy allows you to create your own shop, just like Amazon or eBay.

Craigslist: Although it is one of the oldest websites for selling items, Craigslist is still a popular place to sell and list items.

3. Blogging

The old-fashioned blog is still alive and well. You attract people who are interested in the same niche information and products if you post valuable content regularly. Your readers will be compelled by your content to continue reading and to buy.

These people are ready to purchase your products via your ads or affiliate links within your posts. Why? You’re trusted by people because you provide useful, free content.

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You can also make your website / online shopfront more attractive to Google by adding relevant information such as videos and articles regularly. You will be able to rank higher in Google’s search engine, so you’ll hopefully appear on page one. Most people don’t click on Google’s second page.



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There are many ways to monetize your blog. Affiliates can promote products, or you can also promote your own products and/or services. You can also have ads on your blog.